About Amy
Amy is 40 years old. She is a fun-loving and extremely outgoing person. She is a high-achiever in her career and has some history of working out. She cares a lot about agency. She wants to have the same control over the success of her body and health that she does in her job. She is full of life and loves to live life to the full. She is a people person through and through. She hates missing out and values vitality in everything she does!
What went wrong?

When Amy first came to me, she was completely confused on what she could eat in order to feel better. She felt bloated after every meal and regularly had painful diarrhea; in the middle of the night and during her work day. Exercise exhausted her. No matter what she did, her weight wouldn't budge. She had incredibly low energy all the time. She stopped going out to eat with people in case she had an episode. She skipped meals at work so that diarrhea wouldn't send her home for the day. Most of all, she was frustrated. 'Why am I able to be so successful in everything I do outside of my body, but I have no control over what happens inside my body?!"

Going it alone...

Like we all do, Amy looked to Google and social media for answers. When she googled "digestive discomfort", someone advertised a multivitamin and probiotic so she tried that. It didn't work. She went on Whole30, but that only caused more digestive issues and added foods to her list that her body couldn't tolerate. She tried working out even harder and more consistently. Nothing. She spent hundreds of dollars trying to go it alone. Wouldn't any achiever? But nothing worked.

Friend, I know it well...

What's your story? Do you relate to some of what Amy is experiencing? You have gut symptomology, but everything you have tried has come up short? This case study walks you through exactly what it looks like to uncover the root causes of your symptoms and take control of your wellness.

A trusted guide

Amy was eager to get to the bottom of her gut dysfunction, diarrhea, food sensitivities, weight challenges, and low energy. It can take a lot of work to uncover the root causes of an individual's symptoms, rather than look for a quick fix or magic pill. It was important that Amy was on board with putting in the work needed for her healing. She wanted to become her own health advocate, empowered to take control of her own wellness. She just needed a trusted guide to help.

The Megaphone Blueprint

At Megaphone, we take a holistic approach to health that includes the mind, the body, and the heart. Amy selected to work through our individual coaching program which is a 12-month engagement. The individual coaching program has 5 steps that help guide us from discovery to kill/sweat/bind, energy optimization, hormone correction, and empowerment.

The body is a complex system whose parts are all integrated. Brain, gut, and emotions all work together to drive adrenals, cortisol levels, and hormones. Continue reading to see what Amy's 12-month healing journey looked like.

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Health Screening

We began with a health screening to gain knowledge of Amy's entire health history and the full scope of her symptoms:

• Health History
• Sleep and Energy
• Pain levels
• Current Medication and Supplements
• Health Complaints
• Adrenal Stress Indicators
• Metabolic Score Card


We then needed to run objective labs to discern what was going on in Amy's digestive tract. Without testing, we are just guessing. We don't want to do that. We need to ascertain knowledge; are there parasites present? Is there a particular bacteria overgrowth or infection? What are her hormone levels?

For Amy, we ran the following:

Dutch Test

The Dutch Test is an advanced hormone test, offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

We ran a Dutch test on Amy to look at how her hormones were producing and their relationship to one another.

Key Findings:

• Amy's Estrogen was dominant and she had little to no progesterone or testosterone.
• These low levels cause sleep interruption, exhaustion, and weight in not ideal areas of the body (stomach, breasts, butt).
• We learned that Amy's adrenal system was misfiring and her cortisol levels were incredibly tanked, making it difficult for her to have energy throughout her day.

GI - Map

The GI-MAP is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.

We ran a GI-Map on Amy because her gut was showing the most prominent symptoms. She had chronic diarrhea, and lots of food sensitivities no matter what she tried.

Key Findings:

• Amy had C. difficle (an intestinal bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, bloating, and gut dysbiosis).
• Amy had E. coli (typically from a good borne illness such as food poisoning) - the body normally clears E. coli on its own, unless the gut is imbalanced and doesn't have enough good bacteria to kill it off.
• Amy had a low Secretory IgA, which indicates that her immune system was not registering properly to any bacteria or foreign objects. This occurs because of gut dysbiosis.

Hair / Tissue / Mineral
Analysis (HTMA)

A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) simply stated, is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your hair to determine any heavy metal toxicity and assess normal levels of all typical nutrient minerals.

We ran the HTMA on Amy to determine whether her exhaustion might be related to mineral deficiency.

Key Findings:

• Amy had a 4 lows pattern, which means her body was not absorbing any calcium, magnesium, sodium, or potassium. These 4 minerals are what we consider your engine turning minerals (they help you get up and go).
• Amy had high levels of aluminum, which keeps the body from absorbing nutrient minerals properly. This happens as a result of using products like deodorant and non-stick cooking utensils in your kitchen.
• Overall, Amy needed a boost in each of her minerals, so that her exhaustion would go away.

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After we gained insight from labs, we put together a very specific protocol to target Amy's gut dysfunction, hormone dysregulation, and mineral deficiencies.

I used the language "Kill, sweat, bind" to describe a process wherein we killed unwanted bacteria and parasites, turned on Amy's lymphatic system through sweating and opening up lymphatic pathways, and bound toxic materials in the gut with activated charcoal and zeolite clay to ultimately flush Amy's system.

During this time period I met with Amy monthly for follow-up calls and specific coaching through regular communication.

The goal of this section of work was to teach Amy how to use the protocols, change habits, and make daily, weekly, and monthly lifestyle changes.

The treatment plan focused on the brain, the gut, and the heart. We used supplements protocols as well as bodily practices to bring healing and restoration.

Notable Outcomes:

• Once we eradicated C. difficile and E. coli from Amy's body, her bowel movements began to regulate immediately and she no longer had intense cramping or bloating.
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The next thing we needed to do was to ascertain the source of Amy's energy depletion. There are several parts of the body that can be the culprit.

For Amy, we saw on her HTMA lab work that she was depleted in her four main minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These minerals turn on her engine on and make it possible for her to get through her day.

I put her on a supplement regimen to support the minerals she had depletion in and repair the pathways where her minerals are formed so that she could actually absorb the ones we gave her and eventually produce her own properly.

You can take supplements until you are blue in the face, but if the body can't absorb the minerals, then it's like pouring water into a bucket with holes in it.

Amy's Dutch test showed us that her cortisol levels were a flat-lined pattern – not producing at the right times in her day. Because of this, her adrenal system was exhausted.

We addressed her cortisol levels by supporting the adrenal system through vagal nerve work, supplement protocols, and adjusting her exercise so that adrenals were not being burned out any further.

Many people think when they have issues like Amy had, that they should work out more. That is why testing is so important. Amy actually reached her goals faster by removing certain physical activity.

Notable Outcomes:

• Amy noticed when we adjusted her workout schedule, she enjoyed it so much more because her body wasn't overworked.
• Amy has continued to report an increase in desire for movement and fun activities.
• Increased Energy.
• Balanced Adrenal and Cortisol levels.

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Amy's Dutch Test showed an imbalance between her progesterone and estrogen – her estrogen was dominant.

Because of her estrogen dominance, her cycles were heavy, she had weight in undesired locations, and her skin and periods were not ideal.

Hormone balancing has a lot to do with gut improvement, so all of the work we did on her gut helped naturally put her hormones back to normal.

We worked on Amy's liver, which is how estrogen is detoxified and pushed out of the body when it is done using it. There are several modalities that address the liver; dry brushing, coffee enemas, sweating, and castor oil packs.

Notable Outcomes:

• Amy had better, shorter periods.
• Amy experienced a reduction in PMS symptoms, including less cramping.
• Amy lost 20 pounds of excess weight.
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MONTHS 10-12


In the final stage of Amy's journey, we talked a lot about how to help her identify symptoms and use the knowledge I gave her to continue upward on her healing journey.

The goal was for Amy to become her own health advocate and give her agency over any future symptomology, making her less reliant on me or any other physician.

Throughout Amy's healing journey, we used the Enneagram as a way to integrate her physical healing with mental and emotional wellness.

Amy identified patterns of avoidance that kept her from seeking healing in other seasons of her life.

She learned what internal barriers she had for self-advocacy and with my help, broke those down.

From Amy

"Having gut and hormone problems can be super frustrating and embarrassing and I knew it was time to do something about it. Trusting Renee with Megaphone Functional Health to walk me through this process was the best decision! She encouraged me and answered all of my questions as I nervously completed all of the diagnostic labs and patiently explained the results to me. I won't lie and say that blocking off 90 days to truly focus on getting healthy was easy, (and believe me coming to grips with the fact that gluten really isn't my friend was rough) but the difference I can see in my overall health after adjusting my lifestyle and understanding what my body really needs to function properly was so worth it. The best part is that Renee was there the whole time educating me, answering even more questions and celebrating my small victories. I would (and do!) recommend this program to anyone who is ready to put in the work to feel better. It may sound cliche but seriously, if I can do it so can you!"


Wow friend, you read that whole thing and here you are!

I want to issue a challenge. Reach out and book a call with me. It is clear that you have been thinking about this for awhile, and this is your moment.

You could tell yourself, 'I'll reach out in a week or so...', but you won't.

You could be thinking, 'I don't have the money right now', but you are already paying a huge cost to feel this way.

Or you might be thinking, 'I don't deserve to feel good', but that's a lie.

You do deserve it. It's time to listen to your body. I'm here to listen with you and walk with you every step of the way. Click below to book your FREE consult with me. No pressure, no obligation.